Building strong links between home and school begins at Acquaintance Night. Knowing more about school and classroom programs provides caregivers with opportunities to encourage their children to engage more fully with school. Hence your attendance at this year’s acquaintance night is greatly appreciated by all staff. In their sessions staff will provide you with an overview of their classroom program and some of the learning practices your children will engage in. They also explain and answer questions about classroom organisation and routines. Please come along and hear from your child’s teacher, even if they have been in the class before, as programs and routines change from year to year. If you are unable to visit on the night please be aware that staff can make appointments with parents to talk about a student’s achievement, at any time, to ensure that the school and home partnership is strengthened. A booking sheet, if you require care for children over the age of 4, is accompanying this newsletter.
Chromebook Information Session5.45pm – 6.15pm Tues 11th February We recommend that a parent or guardian attend this session, in the library, if your child is in a class with a Chromebook and you have not attended before. Room’s 7, 8,9,10, 30 and 31.
In Loving Memory of Maci-Louise Masters It is with great sadness we inform you of the passing of Maci- Louise Masters on Monday 13th January. Maci-Louise, who was in Ms. Gayle’s Foundation class last year, was very unwell with brain lesions and absent during Term 4. Maci-Louise’s family have expressed their thanks and appreciation for the support they have received from members of our school community. We remember Maci-Louise as a friendly, happy child. If this news leaves you feeling overwhelmed, please reach out to family and friends or if you require professional support, contact Redkite Support Line 1800 733 548. Support is also available from our Pastoral Care Worker Tracey Cooper. She can be contacted via the front office.
Annual General Meeting in Library - 8.00pm Tuesday 11th Feb See the accompanying information and nomination sheet on the back of this newsletter. Bookings can be made for Student supervision.
Canteen ROSTER
Tuesday 4th Michele S Wednesday 5th Mary-Anne R Thursday 6th Ling C, Evelyn C Friday 7th Stacey C, Jenni F, Natasha H
Tuesday 11th Michele S Wednesday 12th Mary-Anne R Thursday 13th Tui M, Deneice P Friday 14th Pupil Free Day
Safety around Schools We want to ensure the safety of children, pedestrians and motorists around our streets and schools. Parents and caregivers have a great responsibility to ensure children stay safe in school zones and have a key role in educating children about road safety. Helpful Tips for Parking around Schools · Allow enough time to take the child to the school gate safely without rushing. · Always observe parking signs and speed limits in and around school zones. They are designed to keep children safe. · Talk about signs and traffic lights with your child. Identify and discuss places where it is safe to get in and out of the car. · Teach your child how to cross the road using the “Stop, Look and Listen” process —stop at the kerb, look and listen for traffic and then decide whether it is safe to cross. · Park a few streets away and walk your child to school. This is also good exercise and helps teach your child road safety rules. Please Note: Council officers patrol school parking in the morning and afternoon during school terms.
School Zones Drivers must slow their vehicle to 25 km/h in a school zone at any time, day or night, when a child is present. A zigzag white line is also usually marked on the road to let drivers know they are approaching a school zone. School Crossings You cannot stop within 20m of the approach side or 10m of the departure side of a school crossing. This road rule applies to all pedestrian crossings. Kiss and Drop These are areas near the school gates for you to drop your child off safely and quickly. The intention is that drivers do not wait in these zones and that they stay in their vehicle so queues are minimised.