Tuesday 18th Michele S Wednesday 19th Mary-Anne R Thursday 20th Tui M Friday 21st Stacey C, Rhonda P, Jenni F Tuesday 25th Michele S Wednesday 26th Mary-Anne R Thursday 27th Ling C, Deneice P Friday 28th Kelli F, Nicole I, Josie D-M Absences Please remember to always inform the front office or your child’s teacher everyday your child is absent. You can text us on 0447 467 152: name, class and reason for absence, or ring and leave a message on 8264 8099. Best and Fairest Award Winner
Congratulations to Lucas, who won the 2019 Ardtornish school cricket team best and fairest award. He was presented with an official IPL playing top by Mr Halliday at the end of term 4, 2019. Music Lessons 2020
If your child is interested in learning a musical instrument this year, please collect a music enrolment form from the front office. Instruments you can learn at are: flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, guitar, trombone, keyboard, drums and guitar. Cost for lessons are different for each instrument and range from $15-$30. You can choose from group or individual lessons. There is currently a waiting list for piano. |
Ardtornish Children’s Centre 2020 Term One Program
Welcome back to the new school year the new term program and flyers for individual activities are available on our Facebook page at Philip has a four-week evening Mindfulness program starting next Tuesday 25 Feb, ($60/person); and Twilight Play with a games theme will run from 5:30-7pm on Thursday 27 February and with a Teddy Bear’s Picnic theme on Wednesday 1 April. Cycle Saturday will have two separate programs on Saturday 14 March - one for beginners with training wheels starting at 10am and a second for more confident riders at 12pm & it’s free. Playgroups – for infants up to about two years on Monday and Thursday mornings in the Children’s Centre, and on Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30-11:30 in the Ardtornish Playgroup on Lutyens Avenue for all ages. Coffee mornings on assembly mornings 8:45-10am. Autism SA are running a Foundations Skills program all day on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and we have on site private, speech and occupational therapy services. We will also be trialling two Saturday Dad Time Saturday sessions for men and the infants in their lives. The first is on 22nd February and the second 21 March both 9:30am-12pm. Finally GUS Dental Outreach will be visiting on the week beginning 17 February. Registration papers are available at the Children’s Centre reception. Drop in anytime or give us a call if you would like to join any sessions, or have any thoughts about how we might support and work with you, your young children and family. Cheers, John Buckell Community Development Coordinator 82649828, 0409984495 or email [email protected] ![]() Tracey’s Care Column
Welcome back to school especially to new students and their families. My name is Tracey Cooper, I am the Pastoral Care Worker at this great school supporting students, their families and the staff. A little about me, I am a mum to three adult sons, each special in their own way. I enjoy reading, playing table tennis and taking nature walks especially along the beach. I have been supporting school communities since 2008 and love my work. I have a genuine care and compassion for all people no matter their beliefs, background or situation. I will be available to listen to you, support you and encourage you in a safe, confidential environment. Some ways that I will be supporting the school community are: Role Modelling & Mentoring Assisting students to develop healthy relationships with other students and adults. Social & Emotional Support Nurturing emotional wellbeing and assisting to develop knowledge, understanding and skills to support learning, positive behaviour and positive relationships. Spiritual Support At the specific request and permission of parents, providing care and guidance with your child’s quest for meaning, purpose and hope in life. School Engagement Providing personal and group support for those students at risk of disengaging from school i.e. social skills programs, grief & loss programs. Community Engagement Develop links between our school and the community including youth organisations, Churches, agencies and services. Extra-Curricular Contribution Participate in school activities i.e. excursions, sports day, SRC & choir etc. My usual working days at school are Monday 12.00pm-4.00pm, Tuesday 8.30am-4.00pm Thursday 8.30am-11.30am Students can contact me by making a request through the front office or by leaving a connect slip which is available from the class or the front office and placing it in the black post box near the finance window. Parents and Caregivers can contact me through the school front office phone 8264 8099 or email me at [email protected] Journeying with you, Tracey |