In this issue
Diary Dates
March 9th – Sports Day 13th – Public Holiday 14th – Choir Rehearsal 15th – NAPLAN, FACE Meeting 7pm 16th – NAPLAN, Finance Meeting 3.15pm 17th - NAPLAN 20th – Harmony Week, Governing Council 7pm 28th – Athletics Carnival 31st – Pupil Free Day April 7th – Good Friday 10th – Easter Monday 14th – Last Day of Term 1, 2.00pm Dismissal Road Crossing
Monitors Wed 1st Mar – Tue 7th Mar Reilley J, Oscar S, Harry M Wed 8th Mar – Tue 14th Mar Eli V, Issac P, Josh A Wed 15th Mar – Tue 21st Mar Phoenix H, Adi A, Cameron D Please arrive by 8.25am |
NAPLAN: Literacy and Numeracy TestingPictured here is Buol, Audie, Laura and Caleb
Information including exemption and withdrawal procedures for NAPLAN
Withdrawals may be for philosophical reasons, while exemptions from the tests are based on the child having a disability or lack of language proficiency making it too difficult for them to effectively undertake the test. Students can be withdrawn from the tests on parent request Parents must submit a request form by Tuesday 14th March - Term 1 – Week 7 The request form is available by ringing or emailing the school and on Skoolbag, which was sent on 22nd February. Exemptions These are provided to students who are not proficient in English language or who have a significant intellectual disability. The school will be aware of these situations and will contact the parents. NAPLAN is the annual national assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7, & 9 and will occur on Wednesday 15th, Thursday 16th and Friday 17th March. Please ensure your child attends on these dates, after a good night’s sleep and breakfast, so that data can be collected about their performance. This year catch up days for students, who were absent on a test day will continue into the next week. What does NAPLAN assess? NAPLAN tests the sorts of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life, such as reading, writing, spelling, grammar and numeracy. It is important to remember that NAPLAN tests are not pass/fail tests. At the classroom level it is one of a number of important tools used by teachers to measure student progress. NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students are already learning through the school curriculum. Teachers are ensuring students are familiar with the test formats and will provide appropriate support and guidance. Students now complete all tests online with the exception of year 3 writing. NAPLAN and nerves Most students are very comfortable with the idea of doing the NAPLAN test and very few suffer from nerves or concerns about undertaking it. Teachers reiterate with students that it is a test to support their ongoing learning and its primary purpose is to assist them to track their progress from years 3 to 9. If however, your child is expressing any concerns about undertaking the testing, please let their class teacher know. |
Canteen ROSTERTuesday 7th Michele S/ Jenni F
Wednesday 8th Deborah M Thursday 9th SPORTS DAY Friday 10th Jenni F, Dianne B Tuesday 14th Michele S Wednesday 15th Michele S / Jenni F Thursday 16th Anna M, Michele S/Jenni F Friday 17th Jenni F, Sharon D, Michele S Can you help in the canteen? The canteen are looking for volunteers to help on Thursday’s & Friday’s. If you are able to spare anytime please contact Michele Smale in the canteen or the front office on 82648099. Help needed for Sports Day Pop up Canteen, BBQ & Cake Stall
We are looking for some help from parent/grandparent volunteers who could help serve at the pop up canteen and cake stall, cook the bbq and bake donations for the cake stall . Thursday 9th March If you could spare anytime, even 1 hour that would be greatly appreciated. Please put your name down at the front office if you are able to volunteer. Sports Day – Thursday 9th March
ATTENDANCE Thursday March 9th is an official school day and children will be expected to attend school unless, of course, they are unwell. ARRIVAL • Sports Day leaders, SRC Executives and senior students may arrive from 7.30am to help with setting up. They must report to teachers on the oval in this case. • School yard supervision begins at 8.35am. All students must be in the courtyard prior to this if they are not actively helping • We request all children arrive at school prior to the second bell at 8.50am. • At 8.50am all students must be in class for administrative tasks. • We ask that parents wait outside the room during this time to assist us in settling the children. • Class teachers will take the children to the Primary Courts and assemble them by 9.00am for Welcome, Warm-up & Team Chants led by the Sports Day Leaders. CLASS ORGANISATION Please do not return library books or home reading books, do not bring chromebooks on Sports Day. TEAM COLOURS If possible please ensure your child is wearing house team colours. CLOTHING
Children must wear their hats and suitable shoes while they are outside. Please make sure children have sunscreen applied before they come to school. Please name removable clothing. (Tank tops are not appropriate.) BEHAVIOUR Sometimes changes in routine and excitement can have a negative effect on some children’s behaviour. Please give us your full support in reminding the children that our normal classroom and school agreements still apply on Sports Day. It is most important that children and parents/spectators follow all instructions given by staff members. CLASSROOMS Please note: For security reasons the classrooms will be locked at the beginning of assembly and will only be unlocked when the teacher returns to the classroom during breaks or at the end of the day. Drink bottles should be NAMED and placed in a class crate to move around with the class during the day. Primary children should bring it out for afternoon Sprints. WEATHER If wet or extremely hot weather is predicted for the day, Sports Day will be postponed. A decision will be made prior if there is to be a change and you will be notified by a note home with your child as well as posts on Skoolbag. If Sports Day is postponed a “normal” school day will apply. The backup Sports Day will be advertised via Skoolbag and a notice home. Please help everyone have a fun and successful day by being supportive and cheering respectfully! |
Volunteer Information
If you would like to volunteer in your child’s classroom, transport to sporting events, camps, library, canteen etc you will need a working with children check and RRHAN-EC Training. Working with children check forms are available at the front office, RRHAN-EC training is available online via the following link Plink account for volunteers - RRHAN-EC training Please give a copy of your certificate once competed to the front office. Please note: both these are required by the Department for Education to be able to volunteer. Contact the front office if you have any questions or queries about becoming a volunteer. Finance Reminders
CHROMEBOOK PAYMENTS – If you are paying in instalments your first payment is now due. For families taking advantage of the outright price of $450.00, full payment MUST be made by 14/4/23. After this date the Chromebook cost will be $500.00. SCHOOL FEES – School Fees are due 14/4/23. If you have not paid in full, it is expected that you will have submitted a payment plan or lodged a School Card Application. If you need assistance with a payment plan or information about School Card, please do not hesitate to contact the fiannce office. School Card information and application can be accessed at the following link |
Ardtornish has a long history of high involvement in sports, during both school time through the Sapsasa program and after hours with parent support for school sporting teams. Opportunities including daily fitness sessions, Physical Education specialist lessons, after school sports, sporting body clinics and a well-supported Sports Day gives students a chance to be active and to find sports that they may pursue as life-long passions.
Students at Ardtornish have a huge range of opportunities to get involved in sport. In the coming weeks we will be officially launching the Premier’s Be Active Challenge for 2023. Students will have the chance to record their physical activity in order to receive their PBAC Medal at the end of the year. We also have the opportunity to participate in the Active Bands activity tracing program – more information on that very soon.
Students who participate fully in opportunities to be active will have the chance to develop and demonstrate so many skills that we must recognise and celebrate. These skills include a wide range of personal skills or capabilities as they are known within the Australian Curriculum. These skills include:
• How to work effectively as part of a team,
• Socialising with new people,
• How to manage their emotions in challenging situations and respond appropriately
• Leadership
• Persistence
• Resilience
• Critical and creative thinking
All of these are essential skills that they can transfer into all other aspects of their learning and life outside of school.
At the moment students have opportunities to be involved in after school sports with Basketball, Dance and Cricket teams already playing and Netball and Football teams in the process of being formed. If you are still interested in registering for Netball or Football, please get in touch with Mr Gehling.
With Sports Day coming up next week, we also recognise the opportunities for young people to get involved in a team by organising and supporting others. The Sports Day Leaders for 2023 have already shown respect and aimed high in front of the school community at our Sports Day rehearsal.
We look forward to seeing you at Sports Day next week and to sharing the spirit of good sports and friendly competition with you all.
Students at Ardtornish have a huge range of opportunities to get involved in sport. In the coming weeks we will be officially launching the Premier’s Be Active Challenge for 2023. Students will have the chance to record their physical activity in order to receive their PBAC Medal at the end of the year. We also have the opportunity to participate in the Active Bands activity tracing program – more information on that very soon.
Students who participate fully in opportunities to be active will have the chance to develop and demonstrate so many skills that we must recognise and celebrate. These skills include a wide range of personal skills or capabilities as they are known within the Australian Curriculum. These skills include:
• How to work effectively as part of a team,
• Socialising with new people,
• How to manage their emotions in challenging situations and respond appropriately
• Leadership
• Persistence
• Resilience
• Critical and creative thinking
All of these are essential skills that they can transfer into all other aspects of their learning and life outside of school.
At the moment students have opportunities to be involved in after school sports with Basketball, Dance and Cricket teams already playing and Netball and Football teams in the process of being formed. If you are still interested in registering for Netball or Football, please get in touch with Mr Gehling.
With Sports Day coming up next week, we also recognise the opportunities for young people to get involved in a team by organising and supporting others. The Sports Day Leaders for 2023 have already shown respect and aimed high in front of the school community at our Sports Day rehearsal.
We look forward to seeing you at Sports Day next week and to sharing the spirit of good sports and friendly competition with you all.