In this issue
Diary Dates
March 17th – Hunch Back of Notre Dame F- Yr 6 19th - Assembly 22nd - School Interviews begin April 2nd – Good Friday 5th – Easter Monday 8th – Assembly 9th – Last Day of Term 1, 2pm Dismissal 27th – First Day Term 2 30th – Boys Footy Carnival Road Crossing
Monitors Wed 17th Mar – Tue 23rd Mar Jude H, Tate W, Keira C Wed 24th Mar – Tue 30th Mar Gargee V, Isabelle C, Maddison J Wed 31st Mar – Tue 6th April Gemma R, Avara E, Lara B Please arrive by 8.25am |
Newman Wins Sports Day 2021
Changes to “3 Way Conferences” in 2021Lalita, Ella, Ben and Mitchell preparing for their pre-meeting reflection
An outcome of a recent review of our “3 Way Conference” procedure was a recommendation that “Students from F-2 no longer attend meetings,” as parents and staff were reporting that students at these ages were usually not ready to engage in goal setting and discussions about their learning and that their presence often distracted from parents and teachers sharing information, rather than enhancing the process. Therefore this year parents with students in: F-2 are invited to come without their children to the teacher / parent conference. Yrs 3-7 will have 3 way meetings with their child as usual. (except Yr 3’s in rooms 3&4) Yr 3 - 7 Students who are present at these conferences have an opportunity to increase their involvement in their learning and become more aware of how parents and the school can work together to support them, as all parties jointly review their progress and set goals. Interviews will be held starting from Monday 22nd March. ___________________________________________________________________________________
Mrs Nat Hall becomes our Student Wellbeing Leader This year Natalie Hall, year 6/7 teacher with counselling experience, has been appointed as our school’s Student Wellbeing Leader. In this role she will be working in partnership with students, parents and carers, educators and the wider community to promote and safeguard student wellbeing and optimise learning by:
Canteen RosterTuesday 16th Michele S
Wednesday 17th Mary-Anne R Thursday 18th Tui M, Deneice P Friday 19th Rhonda P, Emma J Tuesday 23rd Michele S Wednesday 24th Mary-Anne R Thursday 25th Ling C, Chris G Friday 26th Natasha H, Kellie F, Jenni F Remember every time you come onto school grounds you need to scan the QR code and check-in.
The latest from the Ardtornish Children's Centre
Covid precautions persist and bookings are essential for all current activities at the Children's Centre. Call Jo on 8264 9828 or call/sms John on 0409 984 495, if you want more information or message via our Facebook page where all program updates are posted. The Ardtornish Playgroup has vacancies on Fridays and the opportunity for new groups to start other mornings of the week. Call to find out more. Regards, John Buckell Community Development Coordinator 82649828, 0409984495 or email [email protected] ![]() You can return to at any time, and change your interviews – until the bookings close on Monday 22nd March 9am. (Please Note- the interviews for Foundation – Yr 2 and Yr 3 students in rooms 3 & 4 will be parent/teacher only.)
Reminder – Please watch your speed when driving around school and the school crossing, be mindful of children around the school zone.