In this issue
Diary Dates
March 21st – Harmony Day 22nd – SAPSASA Athletics, Assembly 28th – Pancake Day 29th – Good Friday April 1st – Easter Monday 4th – 5th Camp Rm’s 4 & 28 12th – Last Day Term 1 Road Crossing
Monitors Wed 13th Mar – Tue 19th Mar Luba M, Kimbarly U, Aradhya K Wed 20th Mar – Tue 26th Mar Stelios P, Harry G, Archer W Wed 27th Mar - Tue 1st April Lily I, Olive H-Z, Morgan T |
PALs is designed to assist students in Junior Primary to engage with a range of different play activities with the support of a student leader from Years 3 to 6. The 78 students, who were selected this year, wrote some fantastic applications explaining why they wanted to be PALs mentors and the skills they would bring to the role. They then undertook a half day training session to prepare for the role.
PALs wear bright coloured vests to identify themselves in the yard. The PALs program provides leadership opportunities to older students and reduces bullying behaviours amongst younger children. With the mentors support, students learn how to play games and undertake lunchtime activities in a cooperative and kind manner. The ability to successfully play with others is a skill, and conflicts are reduced when students are explicitly taught to play games, with clear rules, and to resolve conflicts with the support of older students. PALs leaders introduce students to a range of games. The leaders are trained in organising up to 30 different games. Some involve just simple movements while others require the use of equipment. The leaders carry game cards that explain the rules and procedures for each activity. In the early years, conflicts between students can often arise when children lack the social development to negotiate joining play groups, so engaging in games with the support of an older child is a great way to enhance their skills. The program encourages:
Angus Wins 2024 Sports DayPictured - Front Charlie R, Nathanial B, Sienna N
Back Oliver H, Chase P, Jasmine G, Taylor C, Matisse F, Phoenix H On Thursday 7th March our 2024 Sports Day began with an opening speech by Olivia Savvas.
Students and families were dressed in team colours to bring a sense of joy and celebration to proceedings. Team Captains and Vice Captains encouraged students to join in team chants and play with enthusiasm, fairness and positive sporting skills. |
Canteen ROSTERTuesday 19th Harveen, Isla
Wednesday 20th Sharon D Thursday 21st Deneice P, Tui M Friday 22nd Anthea B Tuesday 26th Molly, Ebony Wednesday 27th Deborah M Thursday 28th Kristen V Friday 29th GOOD FRIDAY Can you help in the canteen?
The canteen are looking for volunteers to help. If you are able to spare anytime please contact the front office on 82648099. We are running a Kytons Bakery fundraiser, orders placed via QKR! Last day to order is Wednesday 20th March, Collection date is after 2.30pm on Wednesday 27th March.
Free Parent Workshops
Parenting Teenagers Thursday 27th June 12.00pm - 2.30pm Thursday 4th July 12.00pm - 2.30pm Morella Community Centre, 90 Kings Rd, Parafield Gardens To register for these workshops please contact Morella Community 8406 8484. Click here for more information. After School Pick Up Please remember that students should not wait under the library veranda after school. Between 3:00and 3:15pm students should be either with their parents, on the primary courts/playground or waiting at the 'kiss & drop' for their parents/carers. Only students who are directly supervised by a parent/carer can play on the oval. Parents/Carers sitting in the car is not direct supervision. Photo Permission
If you have selected Limited consent on the photo permission form, please note that your child will not be in any photos including school photos (MSP Photographers), newsletter etc. If you have selected limited consent and would like to change your child’s permission, please come into the office to amend the form. We will not be making any further contact with parents/caregivers to amend permissions, as the onus to do so remains with the parent/caregiver. ![]()
Thank you to everyone who supported our fundraising activities on the day. We raised $1010 for Dance from the Cake Stall and $2279.35 for FACE from the BBQ, merchandise sales and van donations.
Rm 28 - ONLY Parent/Teacher Interviews
Due to the camp later in the term, Room 28 will be having their Parent/Teacher interviews in Week 8 and 9. Please click the link below to access the booking form |