Canteen ROSTERTuesday 1st May Michele S
Wednesday 2nd Mary-Anne R Thursday 3rd Emma S Friday 4th 3 Musketeers Tuesday 8th Michele S Wednesday 9th Mary-Anne R Thursday 10th Simon S Friday 11th Megan E, Grace J, Emma S Kiss and Drop Zone
Please note: The area in front of the school office is a designated drop off and pick up area, Kiss & Drop.
Cars should not be left parked there because they block the space and others are being forced to ‘double park’ to pick up children. As you can appreciate this is dangerous and illegal. Parents need to wait in their cars, they cannot leave their cars to get out to collect their child. Council fines do apply. Parents / Caregivers are also reminded that the Staff Car Park is not to be used as a drop off and pick up area. Many parents and children use the area as a thoroughfare before and after school and in the past there have been some near misses when people are walking through as cars are backing out. Kindy Enrolments for 2019
Ardtornish Children’s Centre is now taking expressions of interest for Kindy in 2019 – Places will be limited… register your interest NOW (…well ASAP) New Term New Program The Centre’s new program is now available on Facebook and I will ask Cathie to send it via Skoolbag to families. Philip will be running a three week Mindfulness on Wednesday evenings from and Donna Broadhurst will speaking about how parents can support their children to be assertive and able to protect themselves in difficult situations. We are also offering the Positive Parenting Program on three Wednesday evenings in late May early June. There is a crèche and no cost. If you are interested in making some simple vegan snacks – parent Amy will be offering her skills and knowledge for three Wednesday mornings, at 9am from 16 May. If you have any questions about your younger children we are here to assist. Drop in or give us a call to find out more, or to book for activities. Updated information at our Facebook page. Enjoy the school holidays! John Buckell 82649828, 0409984495 or email [email protected] |
Enrolments 2019
Next term we are starting to look at predicted student numbers for next year. Accurate enrolment details are needed so we can determine numbers for our classes. Therefore if your family is considering moving, it is important that you let us know, as well as your new school, as soon as possible. If you have a younger sibling to start next year and you haven't completed an enrolment form yet, please come in and speak to the front office staff. Entertainment books may be ordered via
or on the Qkr! app (book version only) Support Ardtornish Primary School and order your 2018/2019 Entertainment Book now! " Digital memberships can be shared on two devices, or upon request directly to Entertainment Book up to five devices." |
School Uniform
All students are required to wear the correct uniform/dress code at all times Our school uniform consists of red t-shirt, red jumper, red school jacket, blue school hat, blue shorts / blue skirts / blue pants / blue skorts – with no stripes and logos. · Dress - blue & white (can have fine red line check) · Year 7's ONLY blue shirt and blue jumper · Shoes - plain sandals (summer); school shoes, sneakers, flat ankle boots. · No jewellery except for studs or sleepers or a watch. · No make-up / nail polish / fake nails. · Headwear (headbands, hair ties etc) is only white, black, blue or red. SAPSASA Photo’s
Zoo Snooze Room 30
In Week 10, the 4th April, Room 30 went to the Adelaide Zoo for our Zoo Snooze camp.
We had a great time exploring the zoo during the day and night (when it was dark and closed to the public).
We worked in small groups to locate and learn new information about specific animals for a project. We even got to meet and touch a Corn Snake named, Cob.
Room 30, and Miss Ravlich, would like to say a huge thank you our amazing adult helpers – Shenae, Vanessa, Colleen and Beth. We wouldn’t have made it through without you!
We had a great time exploring the zoo during the day and night (when it was dark and closed to the public).
We worked in small groups to locate and learn new information about specific animals for a project. We even got to meet and touch a Corn Snake named, Cob.
Room 30, and Miss Ravlich, would like to say a huge thank you our amazing adult helpers – Shenae, Vanessa, Colleen and Beth. We wouldn’t have made it through without you!