In this issue
Diary Dates
May 8th – Mother’s Day Stall, Girls Footy Carnival 10th – Pupil Free Day 13th – Governing Council Meeting 7pm 14th – NAPLAN 21st – Track & Field Metro Championship 24th – Room 19 Zoo Snooze 29th – Sports Portfolio Meeting 7pm June 3rd – School Photos 4th - Group Photos 5th – Grounds Meeting 3.30pm 7th - Assembly 10am Road Crossing
Monitors Wed 15th May – Tue 21st May Crystal H, Teagan P & Jada R Wed 22nd May – Tues 28th May Jordan P, Oscar W, Rhys D Wed 29th May – Tues 4th June Hannah L, Kayla T, Bella N Please arrive by 8.25am |
NAPLAN: Literacy and Numeracy Testing
Information including exemption and withdrawal procedures.
NAPLAN is the annual national assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7, & 9 and will occur on Tuesday 14th, Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th of May. Please ensure your child attends on these dates, after a good night’s sleep and breakfast, so that data can be collected about their performance.
Friday is a catch up day for students who were absent on other test days. What does NAPLAN Assess? NAPLAN tests the sorts of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life, such as reading, writing, spelling, grammar and numeracy. It is important to remember that NAPLAN tests are not pass/fail tests. At the classroom level it is one of a number of important tools used by teachers to measure student progress. NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students are already learning through the school curriculum. Teachers are ensuring students are familiar with the test formats and will provide appropriate support and guidance. Students now complete all tests online with the exception of year 3 writing. Students can be withdrawn or exempted from the tests on parent request. Parents must submit a request form, which is available from Mark Hansen or Deb Pryor by Tuesday 7th May - Week 2 Term 2. Withdrawals may be for philosophical reasons while exemptions from the tests are based on the child having a disability or lack of language proficiency making it too difficult for them to effectively undertake the test. How is NAPLAN performance measured? Individual student performance is shown on a national achievement scale for each test. Each test scale has ten bands and all year levels are reported on the same scale. The performance of individual students can be compared to the average performance of all. See practice test examples at For more information about NAPLAN: visit Schools will receive NAPLAN reports for their students from mid-August to mid-September, depending on their state or territory test administration authority. The school will notify you when the reports are being sent home. The same report format is used for every student in Australia. NAPLAN and nerves. Over the past few years most students have become very comfortable with the idea of doing the NAPLAN test and very few suffer from nerves or concerns about undertaking it. Teachers reiterate with students that it is a test to support their ongoing learning and its primary purpose is to assist them to track their progress from years 3 to 9. If however, your child is expressing any concerns about undertaking the testing let their class teacher know so they can discuss their feelings and reassure them. |
Canteen ROSTERTuesday 7th Michele S
Wednesday 8th Mary-Anne R Thursday 9th Megan K, Emma S Friday 10th PUPIL FREE DAY Tuesday 14th Michele S Wednesday 15th Mary-Anne R Thursday 16th Evelyn C, Emma S Friday 17th Lara P, Kellie F, Emma S School Photos Date: 3/06/2019 – Group Photos 4/6/19
ONLINE ORDER CODE: 4M3 KGD 8R2 Online Order link: Dear Parents, School photography day is coming up very soon. Group and portrait photographs can be purchased by following the link above or by using the envelope. (Envelopes will arrive at school shortly and will then be handed out.) Important Information: · School photos purchased online DO NOT require envelopes returned to school* Don’t forget to order your sibling photos now Late fees/additional charges will be applied for purchases after photo day Photos will be returned to your school for distribution approximately six weeks after photos are taken. Past years’ photographs including sports, co-curricular and representative groups available at school’s advancedlife & your advancedyou photo sites (follow the link above) *Sibling photographs must be ordered either online or by order envelope prior to the day of photography. A photograph will not be taken without an order. Sibling photographs only apply to children enrolled at the school. advancedlife would like to express our appreciation to Ardtornish Primary School for placing your trust in us. Please remember we offer a 100% money back guarantee on our products to ensure your peace of mind. We would also love to receive your feedback or resolve any issues you may experience as fast as possible, to ensure your satisfaction. If you have any questions, comments or feedback relating to your advancedlife experience please contact us at- [email protected] Physical Education
Could parents please make sure their children wear sneakers on the day they have P.E. If your child is unable to participate would you please put a note in their diary explaining the situation. Mr Halliday "Screens, not canteens, making our kids obese" was an article written by David Penberthy in the Sunday Mail, April 7th. The piece mentioned that in "2015 a study on children's screen time by the Australian Institute of Family Studies found by the age of 13, kids spend more than 3 hours average a weekday and almost 4 hours a weekend day in front of a computer, a phone or TV. That’s a whopping 30 percent of a child's waking time." David indicated the key problem was "Today's kids are more likely to be on social media or gaming than playing outdoors" after school hours |
Little Library – on Saarinen Ave
Have you seen or used the Little Library that the school & Children’s Centre hosts? It was installed late in 2018 following an application to the Tea Tree Gully Council from the school and children’s centre. The Council installed the library that was constructed by members of the Holden Hill Men’s Shed and decorated by kindy and foundation class students in 2018. Thanks to Ms Moore from the library for adding to the book collection – these are free to borrow, keep, swap or sit and read (apparently logs are in high demand at present, so it might be a while before we have some seating) while waiting for school to begin or end or whenever. A great place to retire and share quality, used books. Kindy Enrolments for 2020 We already have many expressions of interest for 2020 – if you or someone you know locally wanting a place at the Ardtornish Children’s Centre Kindy next year – best to drop in for a visit soon. Term 2 Program For details of the new term’s program see notices at the Centre or our Facebook page. This term we have Baby Playgroup on Monday and Thursday mornings, evening courses including the Positive Parenting Program, Mindfulness and two wintery Twilight Play events, a five week Making Music program on Thursday mornings (for children 4 months – three years) and programs for men including occasional Saturday Playgroups at the Ardtornish Playgroup (open Tuesday, Friday and Saturday mornings) and Mindfulness on three Thursday evenings. If you are interested in making your own wax wrap – a reusable, plastic wrap alternative and some biodegradable house cleaner join us on Thursday 23 May from 1:45pm for 90mins. There is no cost but bring a jar to take-away your cleaner –we will have some Remember that there is a Coffee morning on school assembly Fridays. For up to date information about these and more sessions, call 82649828, drop into the Children’s Centre and see our Facebook Page. |
PALs in the Garden at Lunchtimes
PALs started this week in our school garden. PALs stands for Play at Lunchtimes. It is a student leadership program managed by Sharon McAskill.
All students are welcome to come to the garden at lunchtimes. Older students must remember to walk safely through the Junior Primary yard.
This year, 99 students from Rooms 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 30 and 31 volunteered to be PALs mentors. Students involved have been given a roster indicating the week and day they are volunteering.
PALs students help the duty teacher by supervising activities in the garden. There are lots of different things to do. Some are: watering, weeding, planting, art, playing on the sound wall, cooking, tasting or just sitting and relaxing. There are also themed play boxes for all students to enjoy.
If you haven’t seen our wonderful garden, come and have a look.
All students are welcome to come to the garden at lunchtimes. Older students must remember to walk safely through the Junior Primary yard.
This year, 99 students from Rooms 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 30 and 31 volunteered to be PALs mentors. Students involved have been given a roster indicating the week and day they are volunteering.
PALs students help the duty teacher by supervising activities in the garden. There are lots of different things to do. Some are: watering, weeding, planting, art, playing on the sound wall, cooking, tasting or just sitting and relaxing. There are also themed play boxes for all students to enjoy.
If you haven’t seen our wonderful garden, come and have a look.