In this issue
Diary Dates
August 10th - Pupil Free Day 14th – Disco 17th – 21st – Writers Festival F-3 19th – Sports Meeting 7pm 20th – Grounds Meeting 3.15pm 21st – SAPSASA Netball Yr 6/7 28th – Assembly September 2nd - Father’s Day Stall 3rd - SAPSASA Girls Football Carnival 7th – Governing Council 7pm Road Crossing
Monitors Wed 12th Aug – Tue 18th Aug Kira M, Shenae S & Krishea C Wed 19th Aug – Tue 25th Aug Cobey D, Jack R, Declan G Wed 26st Aug – Tue 1st Sep Rylen H, Matthew G, Hayden P Please arrive by 8.25am |
Reading Mentors: providing very helpful, cross age learning support.Learning to read is a complex task and being a member of a community where everyone values reading positively enhances student’s reading development.
At Ardtornish we foster a community that values members encouraging and supporting each other, and the Reading mentor program is a perfect example of how older students contribute to building across year level relationships in a manner that helps younger students develop confidence and learning skills. Pictured here, enjoying a story together, are Addison and Jack. Jack, as a year 7 student, is one of 45 students from Rooms 9 &10 who regularly listen to year R-2 students read. Once or twice a week, up to 18 students at a time run sessions after lunch for about 30 minutes. Before taking on the role of a reading tutor the year seven students were taught how to support and encourage beginning readers to be successful by: talking about the book before they start to read, encouraging them to sound out any unknown words they may encounter and asking them questions, to clarify their comprehension, when the story is completed. The Reading Mentors use their Chromebooks to record the feedback they give to the students along with the title and genre of the books they read. These notes are completed in a Google Forms document and are immediately available to the student’s classroom teacher. Through this process, younger students build not only their confidence as ‘readers’ but also their confidence mixing with older students who they come to see as supportive and friendly. On this pupil free day, our staff will be working with other staff from schools in the Modbury Partnership (Modbury, Modbury West, Dernancourt and Highbury Primary Schools) to undertake joint learning about how to annotate and evaluate students mathematical work samples
This is being done to ensure that all teachers, across our sites, can accurately determine the learning achievement levels of student from A-E in a consistent and well moderated manner. |
Canteen RosterTuesday 11th Michele S
Wednesday 12th Mary-Anne R Thursday 13th Evelyn C, Ling C Friday 14th Stacey C, Jenni F Tuesday 18th Michele S Wednesday 19th Mary-Anne R Thursday 20th Deneice P, Natasha H Friday 21st Kellie F, Josie D - M Expression of Interest for Enrolment 2021 If there are any siblings due to start school next year, please come into the office and fill in an expression of interest form. Enrolment for siblings and families in the APS zone will be guaranteed enrolment. |
![]() The latest from the Ardtornish Children's Centre Easing of restrictions has allowed the Children’s Centre to restore some key programs with heightened physical safety and stringent cleaning to protect children, families, our service partners and staff. Bookings are essential to attend any of these programs.
We are pleased to offer the new My Child & Me program over three Wednesday evenings with a creche will be starting on 12th August (attached flyer). The Thursday am Baby Playgroup is overflowing. The Ardtornish Playgroup on Lutyens Avenue offers a Tuesday morning Multiple Birth Families group, and Friday and Saturday mornings playgroups for all. Thanks to Rachael, Jess and Megan for coordinating these groups. Booking to these three playgroups are via Facebook. A CaFHS Getting to Know Your Baby course will be starting in September. Early Years Occupational Therapy and Liberty Speech Pathology are now available, and the Relationships Australia’s Family Dispute Program will be commencing soon. Unfortunately, we have had to postpone the dental program. For more information about any of these services call Jo on 8264 9828 or call/sm John on 0409 984 495, or message via our Facebook page where all program updates are posted. All the best 🙂. Regards, John Buckell Community Development Coordinator 82649828, 0409984495 or email [email protected] Buildings Update
This week the site for the temporary buildings is being established. The builders are putting up shade cloth (for dust control) on the temporary fencing, removing the gate & fence on North East side of the JP Oval and pruning trees and establishing a road way to give trucks and equipment access from Smart Rd Next week – an access road will be built & crushed rock installed, as a part of the building footing preparation Week of 17th Aug – Footings works to commence Reminder – no access to the school grounds from this entrance. |