In this issue
Diary Dates
August 23rd – PUPIL FREE DAY 24th – Book Week, Dance til you Drop 27th – Dance til you Drop, Book Week Dress up Day 31st - Dance til you Drop September 1st – Father’s Day Stall 2nd – Finance Meeting 3.15pm 3rd – Dance til you Drop 6th – Governing Council 7pm 7th – Dance til you Drop, Choir – Rehearsal and Performance @ Entertainment Centre 8th – Romeo & Juliet Yrs 5/6/7 Road Crossing
Monitors Wed 1st Sep – Tue 7th Sep Jade O, Kaylee R, Tilly-Rose P Wed 8th Sep – Tue 14th Sep Zoey E, Samuel d, Tammy V Wed 15th Sep – Tue 21st Sep Maddison H, India S, Siana R Please arrive by 8.25am |
School Support Staff Week
This week we formally recognised the wonderful contribution School Support Staff make to our school community. It is a time to celebrate their vital and skilled work in supporting staff and students. Support Staff undertake a wide range of roles in our school, focussed either around administration or curriculum support.
As admin support officers they help to coordinate, plan and run a wide range of school functions e.g. looking after student medications, diabetes management, the grounds, organising special functions, monitoring facilities, tracking our finances, managing our canteen and much, much more, the list is endless. Curriculum support includes keeping our library functioning well, managing our ICT network, running the canteen, co-ordinating Pedal Prix, providing special needs support and working with large and small groups of students as well as providing one on one tutoring for others. The skills dedication and energy that our Support Staff bring to their work in assisting student learning and wellbeing makes a significant difference to student achievement. Best of all, support staff at Ardtornish work as a collaborative team sharing roles and generously stepping into support each other and staff as the need arises. On behalf of the whole school community we would like to express the appreciation we have for each and everyone of them. Mark & Deb. Absent Rachael Speck – Library and Zena Buckskin - AECO |
Canteen RosterTuesday 24th Michele S
Wednesday 25th Mary – Anne R Thursday 26th Ling C, Emma J Friday 27th Jenni F, Natasha, Sonoko F-G, Wei Wei R Tuesday 31st Michele S Wednesday 1st Michele S Thursday 2nd Tui Murray, Deneice P Friday 3rd Rhonda P, Stacey C, Emma J Medication in Schools
Department for Education policy on Administering Medication in schools is: * All medication that needs to be administered in school is required to be accompanied with a completed Medication Authority form, which is to be filled out by the Doctor. * Medication must be within the expiry date of the product and delivered in the original container; with the label from the pharmacy, that has the child’s name on it. * If self - administering, a completed Medication Authority form still needs to be completed by the Doctor. * All medical plans need to be updated every year. RAN Training Update for all Volunteers
As of the 1st of July 2021 all volunteers will need to update their RAN Training, which is now called Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care. It is called RRHAN-EC for short. Click this link Plink account for volunteers - RRHAN-EC training Expression of Interest for Enrolment 2022
If there are any siblings due to start school next year, please come into the office and fill in an expression of interest form as soon as possible. We are currently in the process of finalising our numbers. School Hats are to be worn from September 1st.
High School Enrolment All enrolment offers for starting secondary school in 2022 have been sent to year 6 and 7 families last Friday 13 August. If families have not received their child’s enrolment offer by email or paper copy, please contact Cathie in the front office. If families need additional support with the online enrolment process, then click on this link starting secondary school, it has step-by-step instructions to help complete the online enrolment form and accept your child’s enrolment offer. |
Hello from the Children’s Centre,
Covid mode is limiting activities. The kindy, occasional care, playgroups and visiting services such as Early Years OT, Uniting Care Wesley and Relationships Australia are still operating but most other groups are on hold. Parents are generally not able to come on site unless they are accompanying a child in a program. Regrettably, Twilight Play has been cancelled. We will have a Book Week give away for infants and toddlers, courtesy of the Little Big Book Club, and a swap table for children’s books. Kindy in the Park, the annual Celebration of Children’s Week supported by local early childhood services, is looking unlikely but plans are afoot just in case. There will be a Big Back Yard event in the school holidays at St Agnes Reserve (more later) and the Man with a Pram Father’s Day Walk is going ahead. Our Facebook page will have updated details of our program, including information regarding a free webinar ‘Screen addicted kids and parents’ with Dr. Justin Coulson. Wed September 1 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm. See All the best to all & don’t wait to vaccinate! Regards John Buckell Community Development Coordinator ![]() Book Week 2021
Book Week is coming and the 2021 Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Book of the Year Awards winners are announced nationally on Friday, August 20th at 11:30 am Adelaide time on the CBCA website. Some of our APS students (rooms 3 &4) are part of this national film and feature at the end of the movie. When SA went into lockdown, a decision was made by our staff that our school would not have a Book Week assembly as the uncertainty and health concerns of COVID were too pressing. Therefore, the school has decided to
Regards Jane Moore APS Teacher Librarian |