In this issue
Diary Dates
September 24th – Last Day Term 3 – 2.00pm Dismissal October 11th – Term 4 begins 14th – Yr 4/5 Come ’n’ Try Carnival 15th – Yr 4/5 Come ’n’ Try Carnival 22nd – Cricket Carnival 25th – Governing Council 7pm 27th – Visiting Author – Steven Herrick 29th – BANDANA Day Road Crossing
Monitors Wed 15th Sep – Tue 21st Sep Maddison H, India S, Siana R Wed 22nd Sep – Fri 24th Sep & Mon 11th & Tue 12th Oct Jakob P, Zac S, Hugo H Wed 13th Oct – Tue 19th Oct Jude H, Tate W, Keira C Please arrive by 8.25am |
Celebrating our 3rd Annual ‘Student Writers’ Week
Our Annual “Student Writers’ Week” celebrates students as authors and helps to build a school culture that values writing. This year’s theme is
“Meet My Unique Character” because “Great Characters create Great Stories” This year students have written books with a focus on character development, and are displaying them in the library, in Week 8 -10 of Term 3. To further promote writing, students in upper year classes are visiting students in younger classes to read them an extract from their book and explain how they used one of the ‘Seven Step’ procedures to improve their writing. The students pictured above, with their books, are from Room 4B. These 10 students did a special presentation to our Education Director Diane Jackson and explained to her what skills they had developed as they wrote and edited their books. Classes have used ‘Bump it up walls’ to support students to self-assess and set improvement goals for their writing and the Brightpath assessment tools, have been used to celebrate what students can already do as writers and identify skills they need to further develop to become more sophisticated writers. Seven Steps has been used as a framework in many classrooms to support students to plan and edit their writing so it is more engaging for an audience. Each speaker focused on one of these elements or something unique they learned through the writing process. The seven steps students talked about using included: 1. Planning for Success – Planning their story before they started. 2. Using Sizzling Starts - Starting where the action was. 3. Tightening Tension - Putting detail in their story so the reader stayed engaged 4. Creating Dynamic Dialogue - Using dialogue to explain events in the story, fill in unknown facts and make their characters come alive as you hear their responses. 5. Showing, Not Telling - Building information into their text to tell people about their character and events without directly telling them. 6. Banning the Boring Bits - Explaining how they took out, or left out, all the things that might make their story boring 7. Creating an Exciting Ending or ending with a message (Coda) Explained how they developed a great ending to their story or a coda to explain its message. |
The swimming lessons booked for our year 3-5 classes (plus Room 3 and 4 students) were cancelled due to the COVID-19 lockdown. Unfortunately we have not been able to re-schedule them again this year.
Parents who have paid for lessons will have the $40 automatically credited to their account. These funds can then be allocated against other expenses such as excursions, Chromebooks, fees, etc when you instruct us to do so. If you are unsure of your balance at any time, please contact Michele Kraniac in Finance. Refunds are available on request. Canteen RosterTuesday 21st Michele S
Wednesday 22nd Mary-Anne R Thursday 23rd Ling C, Chris G Friday 24th Jenni F, Emma J - Subway Tuesday 12th Michele S Wednesday 13th Mary-Anne R Thursday 14th Tui M, Deneice P Friday 15th Emma J, Jenni F, Rhonda P, Stacey C 2022 enrolment and class structure processes
Accurate enrolment details are needed so we can determine numbers for our 2022 classes. Therefore if your family is considering moving, or you know of someone moving into our area it is important that you let us know as soon as possible. If you have a younger sibling to start next year and you haven't completed an enrolment form please contact the front office staff as soon as possible. Cyber Safety - Parent Workshop
Why do young children go online? To connect, be creative, and develop competency. Rather than prevent children from accessing the online world, parents are encouraged to explore apps, websites, and games children desire to play. There are many resources available to support parents and carers in providing a safe environment for children to explore the online world. Some tips to keep your children safe online:
3-5-year-olds - 1 hour per day 5+ year olds - 2 hours per day
Over 10 parents from Ardtornish Primary School and the Children’s Centre attended a Cyber Safety Parent Workshop on Tuesday, September 14, presented by Fiona from the Department of Human Services as part of the Parenting and Family Support Program. Parents took away an information pack full of fact sheets and tips for staying safe online. As adults, we are learning how to live with technology in our lives. For our children, technology is their life. Support your children by being informed and by having open and honest conversations with them about the online world. Technology agreements can be an excellent start to keeping your children safe online. They are most successful when they are set up with children being a part of the process. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need support in setting up family technology agreements, parental controls, or any other information around cyber safety. Keep in touch, Natalie Hall Student Wellbeing Leader [email protected] 8264 8099 Useful websites eSafety Commissioner - - excellent information for families on how to set up family tech contracts, where to go for help, including reporting inappropriate content online. The Carly Ryan Foundation excellent fact sheets and simple guide on how to use parental controls and security settings on a variety of apps. ThinkUKnow - - great fact sheets for parents/carers to use a guide to keeping children safe online. Common Sense Media a great website to get an understanding of websites, games, apps and more. Future Workshops: Being a Dad + My Child and Me - Call Jo or John at the Ardtornish Children’s Centre for more information 82649828 Engaging Adolescents - A FREE 3 week program - see the front office for more information. |
Cyber Safety
Fiona Pinnington’s Cyber Safety presentation last Tuesday evening had a strong focus the virtual world as another space to adapt our core parenting skills. She provided many resources. Parents might like to consider how to better relate and respond to their children’s screen activities as the school holidays approach. Here are a couple of useful sites: The Australian Council on Children and the Media (ACCM) is Australia's peak body representing children’s interests as digital and screen media users. Here are reviews of apps, movies and plenty of resources. See: The e-Safety Commissioner site’s range of resources, includes family technology agreements to assist the discussion about important on-line issues and boundaries: See Nat Hall’s article for more information and helpful links. Parenting Support For any men wanting to reflect on their role as a parent in term four the Children’s Centre will have a free ‘Being A Dad and My child & Me’ course over three Wednesday evening from Wednesday 3 November. Call to enrol.School Holiday StuffSome great vacation activities can be found at these sites: Three local council school holiday programs (click on the Events and places box for a menu with a School holiday program link) Children’s Centre School holidaysThe Children’s Centre is closed for the first week of the school holidays and programs are fully booked for week two. For other, selected, local events and the new term’s program (to be posted during the holidays) see our Facebook page Regards, John Buckell Community Development Coordinator 82649828, 0409984495 or email [email protected] Lost Property
We have lots of unnamed items of clothing, drink bottles and lunch boxes. Please make sure if you have lost anything to check lost property before the end of term. Kids Kitchen
The September - October school holidays are fast approaching and TAFE SA has some food filled classes for your up-and-coming chefs of the future. Whether your child is a Kinder Cook, or Growing Gourmet Chef, we have something they're sure to love! Afternoon classes have been added to Growing Gourmet Chef, make sure you book in before these sell out too! |